Friday, March 14, 2014

Research on the Components of Love

Research findings support the idea that the most complete love has a number of components. Robert Sternberg asked subjects to describe their relationships with lovers, parents, siblings, and friends. Analysis of the results revealed three components of close relationships: intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment to maintain the relationships.
o  Intimacy involves sharing feelings and providing emotional support. It usually involves high levels of self-disclosure through the sharing of personal onformation not ordinarily revealed because of risk involved. Intimacy gradually increases as the relationship matures and deepens.
o  The passsion component refers to sexuality, attraction, and romance in a relationship.
o  The decision/commitment component involves both short- and long-term factors. The short-term factor is the decision, made consciously and unconsciously, to love another person. The long-term factor is the commitment to maintain the love. Sometimes people fall in love but do nothing afterward to maintain it.

Sternberg and Barnes described eight different combinations of these three components of love:
1.          Absence of intimacy, passion, and commitment: no love
2.          Intimacy only: liking (but no passion or commitment)
3.          Passion only: infatuation (but little intimacy or commitment)
4.          Decision/commitment only: empty love (with no passion or intimacy)
5.          Intimacy and passion: romantic love (no commitment)
6.          Intimacy and commitment: compationate love (without passion)
7.          Passion and commitment: fatuous love (foolish love, without real intimacy)
8.          Intimacy, passion, and commitment: consummate love (the most complete love)

So, which is your kind of love? You have no love? Or, you have the most complete love?

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